There's no question we use a lot of tools in the design process. In addition to Reivit we use, Sketchup, Rhino, Navisworks, Enscape, C3D, and Dynamo, just to name a few. So this post is about yet another tool to go in your tool belt. But stay with me. I'm going to explain why you should be interested in using FormIt.
What is it?
FormIt is an Autodesk product that looks and feels a lot like Sketchup. Some of the modeling techniques are similar and it's really fluid like Sketchup. So you may be asking yourself... "If I have Sketchup, why do I need Formit?" Keep reading.Conceptual Model with Revit
- Conceptual mass families created in FormIt become Revit mass families
- Lefel created in FormIt become levels in Revit
- FormIt models with materials appplied
Conceptual Modeling with Revit Content in FormIt
- Groups in FormIt can be categoriezed to become Revit families
- Revit families can be exported as FormIt groups and then converted back into the original Revit family.
Why Do I Care?
Ask yourself one question. Do I car about becoming more efficient at what I do? If the answer is yes and you find yourself struggling with the Sketchup to Revit workflow, give FormIt a try. FormIt has a short learning curve that can be overcome in just a few days.
Oh, I almost forgot. FormIt can be launced from the Chorme web browser and is also available on mobile devices. The FormIt team has always wanted you to be able to design anytime anywhere.
Of course FormIt isn't perfect. It's a fairly new product and is still maturing. However, if you want to explore the possibilities of becoming more efficient by using a tool more compatible with Revit, give FormIt a try. What do you have to lose?
Click here to learn more about designing in 3D anywhere and here to learn more about designing with intelligence.
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